Wednesday 3 October 2012

Immortal Jellyfish

IMMORTAL yes the title you read is correct, Turritopsis nutricula well known as immortal jellyfish, as of today this is the only species that can live on earth for ever. These are the only species that are capable of reverting from there mature stage to polyp stage i.e., when it becomes old then it can reverse itself back to younger stage.It replace there old cell with new one.
this is done by a process called cell transdifferentiation, where one type of cell converts into an entirely a different type. After becoming a poly then it again start  a new journey and the cycle goes on.


since the species is immortal , the number of individuals could be rising fast. since these jellyfishes has ability to bypass death they will never die until they fall victim of natural hazards, including being eaten by other animals, or succumbing to disease.  This cell division method transdifferentiation has inspired scientist to find a way to develop stem cell to replace or renewing the damaged, and dead cells.


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